International transport

In today’s globalised world, it is increasingly common for people to move across national borders. This can also affect funerals and deaths, as it is not always possible to hold the funeral in the same place where the person died. That’s why we have specialised in international transport since 1996 and can offer services to many different countries thanks to our extensive network.

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Transport of deceased from Sweden

We have expertise and proximity to both embassies and authorities in both Copenhagen and Stockholm, which enables us to assist in the repatriation of a deceased person to another country. Through our international colleagues, we can also reach the countries to which the deceased will be transported.

We handle many shipments each year and are the only carrier that has its own local embalming staff. Combined with our long experience, we can often help without unnecessary waiting time for the home transport.

Before the repatriation transport can be carried out, we need to collect the necessary information and approvals from the relevant authorities, doctors and sometimes even the police on your behalf. It is important to have an identification document available for the deceased.

We are committed to providing you with a smooth and respectful handling of the repatriation transport of your loved ones

Import of deceased to Sweden

If you, as a Swedish citizen and insured person, suffer a death during your holiday, you can usually get help from SOS international. All you have to do is specify Younan Funeral Home as the recipient, and we will help you with the contacts with SOS as soon as the mission is confirmed by them.

But if you are not insured, this can be a very costly solution. If you have been travelling for a long time, it may be a good idea to contact us before signing any papers with a local contractor. We can help you investigate the cost of home transport in the countries included in our network. In this way, you can avoid unexpected and high costs.

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What should you consider when planning a funeral abroad?

When planning to bury someone abroad, it is imperative to know 5 things.

When transporting a coffin/urn, a documented recipient in the country of arrival is required. The recipient’s name, telephone number and social security number (or equivalent) are required together with documentation to be accepted by the consular office of the recipient country. After collecting the coffin/urn, the recipient must be able to present a valid:

  • ID document
  • Death certificate and cause of death certificate
  • Cause of death certificate
    Infection risk certificate

When transporting a body from one place to another, the deceased should be transported in a coffin that is resistant to moisture and has absorbent material in it. To comply with these regulations, the deceased is first placed in a sealed zinc coffin or equivalent. The zinc coffin is then placed in a wooden casing.

The time required to carry out a large-scale international transport operation depends on the amount of work involved in obtaining approval for the transport, issuing the necessary permits and licences, and dealing with a variety of bureaucratic requirements. In addition, the body and coffin must be prepared, translated matrices must also be handled.

At Yonan Funeral Home, we are happy to help you transport a casket or urn to any location in the world. If embalming or translation assistance is needed, we can arrange that too.

In order to speed up the procedures for international transport preparations, all communication with embassies and transport companies is done through the Yonan Funeral Home. This means that you, as a family member, can focus all your energy and attention on grief, rather than worrying about documentation and administrative procedures.




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